The Invisible College is, in the true sense of the word, an esoteric school. The difference from all earlier schools is that it is on-line. It is a worldwide community. of people with a shared interest in self-development and a willingness to investigate such subjects as Hermeticism, prophecy (especially Bible prophecies), self-development, ancient mysteries and forgotten or cancelled history. The college is open to all people of sound mind, regardless of nationality or religious affiliation. However, they must be over the age of majority, which in the UK means 18 years of age. If the age of majority is different in your state or country, then that age applies not 18.

This college has been set up and is run by Adrian Geoffrey Gilbert, the British author (or co-author) of some dozen books. These include such bestsellers as The Orion Mystery, The Holy Kingdom, Signs in the Sky, The Blood of Avalon and Secrets of the Stone of Destiny. He also makes videos, with over a hundred of these currently available on YouTube. Most of these are free-to-view. Part of the purpose of the college website is to index and categorise these. It also features lists of restricted videos that can only be viewed by members. This list is scheduled to grow significantly in the next year or two.

For over 50 years, Adrian has been actively investigating the big questions of life: ‘Who are we and why are we here’? This has led him into many adventures and strange experiences, some of which are recoded in his books. Indeed, he has been taken out of his body to see heaven for himself; he not only believes in the mission of Jesus Christ but has met him, in spirit, on more than one occasion. Because of these experiences, Adrian writes and lectures with the authority of one who is a Christian initiate.

Today we are living at a critical time in earth’s history. Indeed, what is described in symbolic form in the Apocalypse or Revelation of St John the Divine (the last book in the Bible), is happening in actuality in our own days. We do not have long to wait for the fulfilment of these final prophecies of the Bible. As few people, even in the churches, are preparing themselves properly for thise events, there is a great need for this college.


Becoming a member of The Invisible College gives access to the ongoing work of Adrian G Gilbert.

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