The First Woe

In the Book of Revelation, after four angels have blown trumpets, an eagle proclaims three 'woes' are coming to mankind. After the fifth trumpet sounds, summoning an angelic being called Apollyon. He opens the shaft leading to the bottomless pit. From it rises acrid smoke that turns into locusts, However these are no ordinary locusts. They have armoured, scorpion bodies, wings, faces and hair like women, lions' teeth, sound like war-horses and have golden crowns. They are commanded to leave the vegetation of earth alone but to sting human beings. This torment will last for five months. So who is Apollyon and what are these locusts? In this lecture Adrian presents his interpretation, based on astronomical symbolism. He reveals that the plague of Scorpion-locusts is symbolic of the Covid-19 epidemic that is currently sweeping the world. The symbolism is precise and clear but will we humans heed the warning? We need to as the Revelation warns us that this is just the first of three 'woes' that are shortly to beset our planet. If we have sense we will prepare ourselves for worse to come.


INDEX : End Times Apocalypse