Who is the antichrist?

In the Bible, in the Book of Revelation and also the letters of St John, reference is made to the 'antichrist'. The word means the antithesis of the Christ, who the bible tells us will return at the 'end of the cycle of cycles'. This is, often falsely translated as the 'end of the world'. It really means the end of the current cycle of ages, i.e. a great cycle of 26,000 years. That time is now. The appearance of the antichrist is to herald the eventual return of Jesus Christ himself. The antichrist is expected to be a diabolical, world leader who will, for a time, wield immense power. So if we are at the end if cycles, is this person known to us today? If so who is he...or she come to that? In this lectue we explore this subject with some surprising conclusions.


INDEX : End Times Apocalypse