Astrology and the Lamb of God

Chapter 5 of St John's Revelation begins with a dilemma: there is no one alive or dead who is worthy to open a strange book with seven seals. This book, which is probably the same one that is alluded to in Chapter 12 of the Book of Daniel, contains the prophecies for the last days. Eventually the 'Lamb of God' is proclaimed worthy to open the book and he takes it from the hand of God himself. So what is this all about? Well the lamb is obviously an allusion to Jesus Christ but it is also connected with the Astrological sign of Aries. However there is much more to this symbolism than is at first apparent. In this lecture we go into the symbolism involved and also the strange connection between the Crucifixion story and the signs in the sky that accompanied. it. The inference is that our world is not as detached as we think it is. Like the world of the Matrix, it is controlled by a 'higher' world where strange happenings are not miracles but the result of the supernatural world inter-penetrating our material world. This theme will develop as we go further into John's Book of Revelation.


INDEX : End Times Apocalypse