Daniel part 1: Times of the Gentiles

The Book of Daniel is undoubtedly the most important prophetic work in the Old Testament. It details, in symbolic form, virtually the entire history of the world from the time of the Babylonian captivity (which began in 586 BC) right up to the present day and beyond. However, analysing this book is not straightforward. Indeed it is nearly as difficult to pin-point exact meanings of the symbols used as is the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. In this video, we go into the first part of Daniel in depth. We trace the prophecies and history of the various empires that controlled Jerusalem from 586 BC right up to AD 1917. The importance of this period cannot be stressed too much. It is what is commonly referred to as the 'Times of the Gentiles'. Ending this period was a prerequisite for the start of the beginning of the 'end days' leading up to the final events of the Apocalypse and Tribulation. Much of what is presented here is a variant on a standard interpretation common to most analysts of Daniel. However there is also included new insights and connections that I have not seen written about before. These throw fresh light on certain thorny issues. The fact that such ideas are now coming into the light of day, is further evidence that we are indeed living in the end days. This is information that you need to know now as the apocalypse concerns us all.


INDEX : Prophecy