Daniel part 3: The End Times

This is the third and last part of my little series on the Book of Daniel. In this part we focus on chapters 10 through 12, which are the final three. These cover Daniel's visions of the 'man clothed in white', who stands over the Tigris River. This being is clearly the same as St John meets at the start of his Apocalypse, who calls himself the 'First and the Last, the Alpha and Omega'; in other words Jesus Christ. Daniel is give a series prophecies concerning the end of the world but told these are sealed in a book. There are also timings of certain events. We examine these. If you have not yet watched parts 1 and 2 you will find them at: Part 1 https://youtu.be/5aGeMw88k9Q Part 2 https://youtu.be/sopm5WgrqRc


INDEX : Prophecy