Fall of Babylon

In Chapters 18-19 we reach the critical point of the Apocalypse or what was revealed to St John. First the lady dressed in red, who rides the seven headed beast, is cast down. She symbolises 'Babylon, which is not really the ancient city in Iraq. That fell a very long time ago and is today just a few ruins in the desert. No, rather Babylon is the cultural, financial and trading system that still dominates the world today. This, we are told, is coming to an end. In its place will be a different paradigm, the Holy City of New Jerusalem. Following the fall of Babylon, there is rejoicing in Heaven and the preparation for the wedding feast of the lamb. This too is highly symbolic. This wedding is at the very core of what Christianity is about: the resurrection of mankind, or at least those who qualify, to go to Heaven and take part in the feasting. The man on the white horse brings judgement on the Beast and on the False prophet,, both of which are not what most people think. They too are metaphors for aspects of our culture that are more than relevant today. You don't want to miss this lecture as it is truly revelationary and could change the direction of your life.


INDEX : End Times Apocalypse