Fireside chat 1

In this video, Adrian relates more of his own story and how he came to set up The Invisible College. It answers many of the questions people are too polite to ask, such as what are his credentials for making these videos and what does he hope to achieve? If you enjoy this video, then please give it a 'like'. Better still, subscribe to the channel and press the little bell icon to be kept informed of when new lectures are uploaded. Meanwhile we need more people to actually join the College itself. You can do this through Visit their website and go to the page for AdrianGGilbert. Subscription for first tier membership is only £5 per month, effectively the price of a pint of beer or two cups of coffee. Not a lot. Higher tiers exist for those who can afford to give more support than this. I hope you agree with me that this is vital work, especially when we see the world around us is going steadily crazier and crazier. Please help this work to grow by notifying your friends on social media and spreading the word. Given the speed with which certain prophecies are coming true right now, we do not have much time left.


INDEX : Philosophy