Gurdjieff and the Ray of Creation

George Invanovich Gurdjieff, often referred to simply as 'G', was perhaps the most extraordinary mystic of the late 19th and early 20th century. Half Armenian and half Greek, he grew up in the borderlands of the Caucasus between the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) and Imperial Russia. On his youth, he travelled widely in Central Asia, Tibet, China and even parts of Africa on a quest for esoteric knowledge. Eventually, around 1914 he began teaching a 'System' of self-transformation. This, he claimed was 'espoteric Christianity, and was based on what he had learned in various inaccessible monasteries. Following the Russian Revolution and the imposition of Communism, he and many of his associates, moved west to France, Britain, the USA and other places. At the core of Gurdjieff's teachings was a strange diagram which he called 'the Ray of Creation'. In this lecture we are going to explore the meaning of this, how it ties in with the theory of musical vibrations and also with the structure of all organizations, not just the cosmos. In later lectures we will explore this theme further and link these ideas with the latest discoveries of astrophysics.


INDEX : Gurdjieff and Ouspensky