Gurdjieff, Ouspensky and Bennett energies 2

G I Gurdjieff was an Armenian-Greek teacher from the borderlands of Turkey and Russia. He lived in the late 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. Following the Russian Revolution, he came the Europe. He brought with him a 'system' of amazing teachings for self-development that he referred to as 'esoteric Christianity'. In Russia he has earlier founded his 'Academy for the Harmonious Development of Man'. P D Ouspensky, was a Russian journalist/ mathematician from St Petersburg who for four years was Gurdjieff' pupil. They arrived in Constantinople in 1920, where they met J. G. Bennett, then a young, British army officer. Bennett and a remarkable linguist, was able to speak to Gurdjieff in Turkish. He subsequently became a pupil of Ouspensky and after he died in 1947, of Gurdjieff himself. I first met Bennett, of 'Mr B' as he was known, in 1973. Although I didn't attend his esoteric school, I had some important conversations with him. He has by this time taken the Gurdjieff work further, writing numerous books himself. His crowning achievement, in my opinion, was his work on the nature of energy: what it is, how there are different grades and how they transform one into another. He wrote about this in several of his books. The present series of lectures is based on his ideas, which I believe are crucial for anyone seriously wanting to develop their higher potential.


INDEX : Gurdjieff and Ouspensky