Herald stars of the Apocalypse

In the last video of this series, Passion of Jesus written in the stars (https://youtu.be/dEyt8nrxyeI), we explored the star patterns that mirrored the events of the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. We discovered that in a truly miraculous way, the story of Jesus was symbolically echoed in the macrocosm or sky above. Fast forward to our own days and what are the stars telling us now? The macrocosm is relating that, without doubt, the Apocalypse or Revelation started in the year 2000 AD. The craziness we see in the world today is really the outworking of the events seen in symbolic form by St John in his reverie. Note that this has nothing to do with astrology. The Signs in the Sky are really time markers. It has nothing to do with occult forces, real or imagined, coming from the stars or planets. This interpretation is wholly compatible with the biblical statement in Genesis 1:14 where it says that the lights in the heavens are for 'signs and for seasons'. The season in question here is the long cycle known to astronomers as the precession of the equinoxes. This long cycle is roughly 26,000 years in duration, with a half cycle (from minimum to maximum) of 11,000 years. The signs in the sky tell us that we are at the end of a half cycle, which ties in with St John's revelation and also the prediction in the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles that Jesus will return. Based on this data, I believe that we are indeed the end-times generation. His return will not long be delayed. It therefore behoves us to be prepared.


INDEX : Esoteric Christianity