Is Vladimir Putin the Antichrist?

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has taken the world by surprise. Very few people thought that such a thing was even being considered. After all, this is 2022 and not 1940. However, the unthinkable has happened with Russia, one of the three greatest, military powers in the world, pouring troops and armaments into its much smaller neighbour. To make matters worse, the Russian troops have behaved with extraordinary brutality towards the Ukrainian people. Merciless bombing and shelling of cities, the callous torture and shooting of civilians, rape of women and looting of houses is all against the Geneva Convention. Yet these war-crimes have seemingly been endorsed by Russia's high command as useful tactics to coerce the Ukrainians into submission. At the top of Russia's pyramid of power sits their President, Vladimir Putin. A dictator who even his most senior associates fear, it is clear that none of this, and certainly not the war itself, would be happening had he not ordered it. So who then is this man, the coldest and most ruthless man to lead Russia since the death of Josef Stalin in 1953? Could he be the antichrist, the man of perdition prophesied to appear on the earth in the years leading up to the return of Jesus Christ and the 'end of days'? What evidence is there, for or against this assumption? In this video lecture we examine again the historic role of Russia in the world, its connection to the Roman Empire and the Empire of the Beast whose number will be 666.


INDEX : Prophecy