Let's jump Becher's Brook

From time to time I like to have a more personal chat about how the future of the Invisible College is going. Right now we are at a critical moment for the future development. I liken competing for audiences on YouTube to racing a horse in the Grand National, the most famous steeple chase in the world. No matter how fast your horse is at running on the flat, it must also jump the hurdles. One of these, the most scary of all, is Becher's Brook. Clear this and you have a chance of winning. However, many a horse has stumbled here in the past, sometimes with fatal consequences for both horse and rider. The Invisible College is not at its Becher's Brook, a high fence with a deep drop on the other side and a simulated stream beyond that. If we can clear this, then we have a chance of getting the YouTube algorithm to work with us and not against. I can't do this on my own. It needs your help too. It will cost you nothing, so will you help us jump Becher's? A gold star to all the channel's supporters who rise to this massive challenge!


INDEX : General