Message to America

When we look at the world today, it is clear that we live in turbulent times. For nearly eighty years the world has lived in peace. True this has been under the shadow of the atomic bomb and there have been regional wars. However, we have not seen anything on the scale of the two world wars. To a large extent, this peaceful interlude has been due to the Pax Americana. The United States of America has acted as world policeman after the British Empire was driven into retirement. That is all changing now as a combination of economic collapse, political corruption, greed and decadence has engulfed this once great nation. Very suddenly it is apparent that not only the USA but democracy itself is under attack as Communist China rises to take over world leadership. Why has this happened and is it inevitable that it should? In this personal address, Adrian makes clear his own take on this. America is under attack, not by the Chinese, Russians or anyone else for that matter but rather Satan. This land which once proclaimed 'In God we trust', is now ashamed of its Christian heritage. In place of this it has elevated a mish-mash of foreign doctrines, paganism, atheism and perversion as the new faith to be obeyed with the threat of ostracism and loss of income for those who step out of line. This is all prophesied in the Bible as a sign of end times. So what is to be done? In this very different video, Adrian traces some of the steps of his own journey and indicates what is the real cause of America's eclipse and how this can be revered. In particular he focuses on the falsehoods hiding behind the appealing words of 'New Age', which in the 1970s nearly destroyed his life too. Mention is also made of the 'tent crusade' of a modern apostle, Mario Murello. This is currently helping thousands of Americans to re-set their lives in harmony with God, As in the times of the apostle's, Mario's services are also accompanied by many healings. People are being released from pain and the torment of sometimes incurable illnesses. This work is mainly going on in California and New York State. If you would like to know more, here is a link:


INDEX : General