No sympathy for THE devil

Currently there is an upsurge in Satanism or Luciferianism. We examine this phenomenon, its causes and the dire consequences for those so engaged. It all comes down to eating that fateful apple! Though he doesn't have horns, cloven-hoofed feet and a tail, the Devil is a very real entity. He is a 'fallen angel' who wears many masks and likes it that you don't believe that he exists. If you think our civilization is falling apart and we are on the brink of a dark age, then look no further than the Devil and give him no sympathy. He is like an addict, tempting you all the time to adopt his bad ways so that you will join him in the gutter. Turn away my friends, his is not a destiny you want to share. You have far better possibilities, which are shortly to be made manifest.


INDEX : Esoteric Christianity