Of cults, gurus and politicians

During the past two hundred years of so, we have developed a collective view of the world that is limited to the physical world. What used to be called 'natural philosophers' are now, simply referred to as scientists. It is taken for granted that the field of scientific research covers everything there is to know about our reality. Why pretend that there can be anything other than nature for science to study? This view contradicts the earlier understanding that 'above' the natural world lies the supernatural. This world, inhabited by spirits, angels and suchlike was known to interact with our world but mostly in hidden ways. In tis lecture we explore the way that gurus, cults and even politics is driven by hidden agendas emanating from supernatural sources. Several cults are examined and also the political world. It is imperative that we know about such things so that we, as souls, can arm ourselves against us. This is particularly true of our own times. None other than Jesus himself prophesied (in Matthew 24) that there would be an upsurge of false Christs and false prophets at the end of the age. The appearance of these cults is proof positive that we are living in that time.


INDEX : Philosophy