The passion of Jesus written in the stars

In my last video (Mystery of the Garden Tomb), I provided evidence that the site of the crucifixion and burial of Jesus was specific to time and place. He had to die in that specific spot in order to fulfil his destiny. Now we look up to the sky and discover a multiplicity of 'coincidences' in the symbolism of the of the positions of the Sun and certain stars and constellations. These tell the story of the passion, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus in an esoteric language of the stars. Sneering sceptics watch our! One significator, or maybe even two, can be dismissed as coincidental. However, when there are many 'signs in the sky' and they all dove-tail together, we have to look for better explanations. And I am not talk here about astrology. Here we are looking purely at symbolism linking events as described in the Gospels and positions of named stars and constellations. I call this 'Astrosophy' and it is noted in Genesis, where we are told the stars are for 'signs and seasons'. There is no question here of astrological influences, real or imagined. So please watch this video and let me know what you think in the comments below. Is this really God talking to us through star positions and events on earth or is it, in your opinion, simply random chance? For if it is the former, it is further proof that we, in this material world of ours, are really living in a matrix.


INDEX : Esoteric Christianity