Signs in the Sky (whole video)

In the year 2000, between June 20-30, Adrian Gilbert took a party of pilgrims to Egypt and Israel. The purpose was to witness a cosmic event he called 'the Opening of the Stargate'. What they witnessed was first the summer solstice sun sitting exactly on top of the Khafre or central pyramid of Giza in Egypt and then a week later, the dawn rising of Orion as it set its feet on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. These events, taken together, were the fulfilment of prophecies concerning the start of the Apocalypse when the 'First and the Last, Alpha and Omega', (symbolised by Orion) stands amidst the seven candle sticks (symbolised by the seven planets of the ancients, viz Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, gathered around Orion. This constellation reaches up towards the position in the sky where the ecliptic (pathway of the sun) crosses over the median plane of the Milky Way. To the ancients this point in the sky was one of two 'stargates' or points in the sky through which souls come into or leave the lower heavens or solar system. This was the first time in more than 2000 years that the planets had been gathered together in this way. Also the sun at the solstice is 'at its strength', again symbolised in the Revelation. Portentiously, Chapter 4 of the Apocalypse begins 'Lo in heaven a gate is open'. Thus moment represented the start of the cosmic events described in John's vision. The gate was now symbolically open, heralding the end of one age and the start of the next. It does not take a genius to see that something changed in the world after this event. Within two months a new 'intifada' broke out in Jerusalem with conflict between Arabs and Israelis on the Temple Mount. A year later the twin towers came crashing down in New York. This led to warfare between America and first al-Quieda in Afghanistan and afterwards Iraq. There has been no peace in the Middle East since and today (summer solstice 2021) the world is still locked down because of pandemic while a much wider conflict involving West and East is seemingly brewing. All this points to the fulfilment of prophecies made thousands of years ago by Jesus himself while sitting on the Mount of Olives. I therefore urge everyone to watch this video for it proves that the time of Apocalypse is truly upon u.


INDEX : Esoteric Christianity