The Real Aladdin's Lamp

Almost everyone is familiar with the story of Aladdin and his magic lamp. The tale is contained in that wondrous collection of Middle Eastern folk-tales and make-believe called the '1001 Nights'. Here in Britain Aladdin is a favourite ot that august institution known as pantomime. Most of us have seen this performed at least once in our life and if you haven't, you have a perfect excuse to take our younger children or grand-children to the theatre. They will certainly love it even if you don't! But is there more to this legend than Widow Twanky, a nasty Vizier, a feckless youth and, of course, a muscular genii in exotic clothing? Well, in this lecture we are going to find out. What is more, Adrian will reveal stories of geniis that he has heard and also why we should be cautious of them. If you are on the path to self-transformation, this is a video it could be dangerous to miss


INDEX : Philosophy