What about reincarnation

Reincarnation is a controversial topic. For opposite reasons, many Christians as well as atheists are agreed that it is a fantasy. Christians because they have been taught by their priest or pastor that life on Earth is a one-shot deal: you either make it to heaven in one big leap or you are damned forever to an eternity in hell. Atheists don't believe we have souls and certainly not that there is any kind of survival of such an entity after death. As far as they are concerned the only survival possible is our progeny: we ourselves die like dogs and become no more than worm food. But are either of these opinions correct? In this informal lecture, Adrian addresses this topic, presenting evidence for soul survival based on what we know about ourselves. He himself has knowledge of five previous lives and intimations concerning others. That does not mean to say that reincarnation on earth is guaranteed for all eternity but it does give us some hope that we humans do have opportunities to put right wrongs and to join the rescue plan that has been put into place for us.


INDEX : Self Development