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Where are you?

Before we can begin any serious journey, we need to know our starting point. This is true of self-development as much as any trip we may go on. We find ourselves incarnated in human bodies on planet earth. Because this is the norm, we don't find this at all remarkable. We take it for granted that homo sapiens is a genus of intelligent apes and therefore a kind of animal. However, is this the truth? How did we come to be here? Do we need to move on and if so, do we need space-ships? We examine these ideas by means of a detailed examination of certain diagrams and pictures created by intelligent people from the past. The most notable of these was a Kentish nobleman called Robert Fludd. Highly intelligent and living in the latter part of the 16th and early part of the 17th century, he witnessed the transition of the Elizabethan era into the Jacobean. This was the golden age of Alchemy and also the emergence of what we now call science. Fludd was undoubtedly a Renaissance man but more than that, he was an initiate. His works contain hidden meanings that are as relevant to us in our day as they were when he was alive.


INDEX : Self Development