Why, in 2022, is the UK still a monarchy?

Just yesterday, after 70 years as Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and also Head of the Commonwealth, Queen Elizabeth II passed away. The throne of Great Britain is possibly the oldest to still be occupied in the whole world. While most of the other nations of Europe have become Republics of one sort or another, Britain clings on tenaciously to its royal heritage. In part this is no doubt due to the late Queen herself and her amazing dedication to the oath she took to serve God and her country. However, there are other reasons. Mostly these are not talked about outside of royal circles. Nonetheless they explain, at least in part, why Britain's monarchy is so resilient. In this lecture we examine these ideas in detail. In particular the connection between the throne of Great Britain and Biblical prophecy. This reveals an amazing secret which only now can be told.


INDEX : Secrets of Britain